reduce hud pulse ground when in stealth with crowd remove mono chromatic layer of eaglesense remove hud outline avatar when in stealth with crowd reduce overbright skin and hair illumination remove interior illumination, shadows plus tonemap daytime The visual tweaks are listed below how ever a word of caution if you have not played this game it might be wise to disable the hud tweaks, at least initially, please see 'further tweaking'. It's a much better game technically but structurally still has, lets say it's, issues. Assassins creed syndicate ubisoft 'wiedergutmachung' after the dismal assassins creed unity. Numerous shadertweaks see description reshade tonemap, relief texture enhancing, color balancing and smaaīaggy trousers every time I see one of those street urchins shuffling by I think baggy trousers it's madness. Assassin's Creed Syndicate Care Package is a mod for Assassin's Creed Syndicate, created by thrive4.